Veena Hausen, Program Manager, ASPIRE, UAE
Title: Taking innovation from the lab to the field
Bio: Veena Hausen receiver her masters in Computer Science from Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands. With 18 years of pioneering experience in research, high-tech product development, and innovation management, Veena Hausen is a results-oriented leader at the forefront of technological advancement.
As a Program Manager at ASPIRE UAE, part of the Advanced Technology Research Council in Abu Dhabi, Ms Hausen leads on technology acceleration programs targeting Food Security, Water Abundance, Autonomous Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence.
She has program managed the prestigious MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge from inception to successful implementation accelerating collaborative heterogenous autonomous robotics technology in marine environment.
Abstract: In this talk, I will provide insights into taking innovation in heterogeneous autonomous robotics in marine environment from the lab to the real-world field environment, with MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge as a case study.