Hung Tuan Nguyen, Senior GNC engineer, Autonomous Robotic Research Center, Technology Innovation Institute (TII), UAE
Title: Cooperative distributed control and estimation of networked marine robotic systems: theory and applications
Bio: Hung Tuan Nguyen completed his Ph.D. in cooperative control and estimation of multi-robot systems at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, Portugal, and NTNU, Norway from 2016 to 2021, supported by a Marie Curie fellowship funded by the European Union. After earning his Ph.D., he transitioned to industry, joining ElecnorDeimos as a Guidance Navigation and Control (GNC) engineer from 2021 to 2023. In this role, he led two teams, responsible for design and implementation of robust control systems for satellite and rocket launch vehicles for the companies ClearSpace (Switzerland) and Orbex (UK), helping the project pass Critical Design Review, assessed by the European Space Agency. He has recently joined TII, a research company in Abu Dhabi, UAE, where he holds a senior GNC, leading several R&D projects for multiautonomous aerial vehicles.
Abstract: In recent years, there has been growing interest in employing multiple marine robotic vehicles across a wide range of practical applications, including marine habitat mapping, geotechnical surveying, underwater target localization and tracking, and military operations. In this talk, I will show how tools from networked distributed control and estimation can be used for networked marine robots in such applications. I will present two examples with experimental results: one focusing on geotechnical surveying and the other on underwater target localization and pursuit, both using multiple networked marine robots.